The holiday season is fast approaching

Monday Nov 19th, 2018


Is it just me, or did October drag on too long while November is passing us by at lightning speed?  With these November days dwindling it means the holiday season is almost here, and that means parties, holiday functions, baking, family events, school plays and recitals and the list goes on and on.  In order to cope with the seemingly neverending schedule of events that December holds, time management skills are key.  Having a well stocked supply of wine also helps.  While... [read more]

Real Estate Tips for Today's Youth

Thursday Dec 13th, 2018


When I was 17 years old graduating from St Mildreds and headed off to Laurier University, it dawned on that not only would I would be living on my own, but I would also be in charge of my own finances.  As a young person, this was a startling revelation. Up until that point, I had always lived at home and was fortunate my parents paid my way.  I can't even remember if I had a bank account.  This was well before the days of debit cards and decades before... [read more]



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